Thursday, April 29, 2010

update........ sheeesh lame title

Man ! you really have to persevere to keep posting huh ? Blogging regularly aint no walk in the park.... I really admire those people who so diligently keep their facebook/orkut/myspace/hi5 etc accounts in such pristine order. Giving away the tiny gory details of their lives.... I mean where do they find the time to live it if they spend so much time online ?!

I finally got wired last weekend, I am a proud owner of a 256 kbps connection from Airtel, so far so good. Work is going good working away on Narnia and Harry Potter shots. Last weekend I went to the India Coffee house at church street, it was the most delicous cup of coffee that i've drunk in Blore, and it was just 10 bucks. Man those other coffee chains are such rip offs !

Currently reading Harper Lee's classic 'To kill a mocking-bird' and Siddin Vadakuts DORK, i think he's got a great thing going here, his blog is a hilarious read as well.

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