Monday, May 3, 2010

Of bollywood movies

I was at this local hotel er... i guess you can call any place that serves decent food a hotel here in Bangalore, and there was this TV there tuned to some hindi channel playing a really dumb movie. Here's how dumb it actually was:

Ok our hero's brother is riddled with 8 or 9 bullets and is bleeding to death. Hero rushes him to the hospital and calls a doctor. The doctor arrives, puts on his stethescope and then declare "Arrey ! Ye tho serious hai !". Gaaaawd I mean the guy has been shot and is bleeding, of course its serious ! but bollywood doctors only find out after hearing the patients heartbeats apparently

Then there is this scene where the hero goes to a chemists shop and then manages to lose the paper on which the list of medicines is written. So he gets all charged up and breaks open the shutter and asks the chemist where he keeps the medicine (what the hell is a person let alone a chemist doing inside a closed shop !). He points to a cupboard at which point the hero simply lifts the ENTIRE cupboard and gets it to the hospital. (Didnt Hanuman do something similar ?! 5/5 for originallity there)

Now thats what i got to watch during the time i ate dinner, i cant imagine what else i would have saw had i stayed on ! Another thing i noticed is that advertisers apparently think that people in labcoats and glasses have the persuasion skills to make you buy this brand of soap, that brand of milk powder and that brand of toothbrush !

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